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January 1, 2017

Mass Ave Pocket Park At Athenaeum

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By: Jeremy Kranowitz

401 E. MICHIGAN; 46204

The Athenaeum Foundation hopes to enliven a small portion of greenspace in the Mile Square that is currently just turf grass. With support and input of the downtown community we hope to create an interactive space for nature, art, and gathering in the sea of concrete and asphalt. Though small in size, the space will serve not only to bring natural beauty to Massachusetts Ave, but also further the Athenaeum’s values of “sound mind, in a sound body.”


This project will accomplish:


Athenaeum staff, tenants, and surrounding community members have met with designers from Schmidt Associates to create draft to be submitted to INHP for historic appropriateness.

Draft Design


The work is complete. Come check out the greenspace!

Connecting people to nature, creating vibrant places rooted in community and building lasting value by working together. Committed to creating vibrant places and communities, IPL Project GreenSpace is a grassroots effort that transforms vacant lots and underused spaces into natural, beautiful, and functional pocket parks and greenspaces for neighborhoods.


Continued success of IPL Project GreenSpace depends on our sponsors and individuals like you. Consider donating to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful.

Categories: AES Indiana Project Greenspace