Mapping Our Work
Wondering if there’s a Keep Indianapolis Beautiful project or activity near you? We’ve got a map for that!
The work we do and the people we work with are place- and neighborhood-based. Trees are planted in front of your house. Great Indy Cleanups happen in your neighborhood. You volunteer to adopt your block and keep the area around your home, school, or work cared for and beautiful. Because place is so important, we put a lot of effort into mapping our program activity.
Our impact maps are community resources to show where we’ve had community projects, and where there’s still work to be done. We use an advanced Geographic Information System (GIS) to help guide our beautification and greening efforts. As we continue to develop our maps, more features will become available, allowing you to see the impact your support of KIB has on the health and well-being of people and nature throughout Marion County.
Tree Canopy Planner and Hot Spot Tool
Our urban trees and forests provide a wide range of social, economic, and environmental benefits to the Indianapolis community. In 2015, KIB completed an assessment showing that Marion County has 33% tree cover. To track tree canopy growth in the future, we developed an online map to view, plan, and grow the urban forest in Indy. Our canopy assessment data is accessible to anyone and will help KIB and our partners focus on plantable areas where we can make a great difference.
KIB developed the Tree Canopy Planner using advanced GIS data and LIDAR data (collected using lasers!) and processed by the University of Vermont Spatial Analysis Lab (UVMSAL). The tool provides in-depth data to guide KIB’s tree planting, tree maintenance, and stormwater mitigation efforts. KIB completed the mapping project through generous funding from the Efroymson Family Fund, a CICF Fund, to track, plan, and share our progress toward a cleaner, greener, more capable, and more beautiful city.
AES Indiana Project Greenspace Map
Committed to creating vibrant places and communities, AES Indiana Project GreenSpace is a grassroots effort that transforms vacant lots and underused spaces into natural, beautiful, and functional pocket parks and greenspaces. Use our map to find one in your neighborhood and head out to spend some time in nature!
Can’t find a greenspace near you? We create 3 – 5 new spaces each year by partnering with neighbors like you. Consider applying to bring a pocket park to your neighborhood. For more information, contact our Community Engagement department.
Adopt-A-Block Map
Has your block been adopted? Sign up today to adopt your block, business, or school!