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January 1, 2014

Westminster Pocket Park

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By: Jeremy Kranowitz

2305 E. NEW YORK ST.

In 2014, KIB will work with Westminster Neighborhood Ministries to transform four lots on the southeast corner of New York St. & Beville Ave. into a pocket park for the local community, to complement Westminster’s new adult services community center. The space will serve as a defined gathering space for reflection, meditation and nature education.


KIB and WNM envision a transformed space, from an underutilized vacant lot to a vibrant community gathering space. Utilizing native grasses and design, the park will work to decrease water runoff from nearby hardscapes. The space would bring people together with opportunities for gardening, learning, and enjoying nature. This new pocket park would also incorporate public art and seating to allow people to linger in the park.

Current Condition


This project will work to accomplish many things:


Through the design and engagement process, KIB worked with WNM to explore different options for teh design of this historic park. To the left is the design that was selected by the neighborhood as the long-term vision for this park. Working from this schematic KIB will construct a portion of the elements in this design that create a solid foundation for the neighborhood to use to continue to work toward their goal.

Due to the number of seniors living in the surrounding community, the residents asked that the space be “senior friendly” – a space where youth and seniors could gather and interact in a safe space.  KIB contracted Luur Design to design the space.  Since the property is elevated, Luur designed an ADA-accessible ramp into a ‘plaza’ at the top of the space.  The plaza will consist of custom benches, providing spaces for groups to interact, as well as nooks for small groups or individuals to rest.  KIB will also plant native trees and grasses.  In partnership with Art with a Heart, local youth will create designs that will be incorporated into the plaza pavers.

Selected Design


Paving stones have been set at the top of the promenade and the pathway ramps will be completed shortly! Terracing and planting will be taking place right after. Just in time for fall plating season.

You can find more information at Westminster Neighborhood Ministries website.

Connecting people to nature, creating vibrant places rooted in community and building lasting value by working together. Committed to creating vibrant places and communities, IPL Project GreenSpace is a grassroots effort that transforms vacant lots and underused spaces into natural, beautiful, and functional pocket parks and greenspaces for neighborhoods.


Continued success of IPL Project GreenSpace depends on our sponsors and individuals like you. Please consider donating to Keep Indianapolis Beautiful

Categories: AES Indiana Project Greenspace